I always reflect on what have been defining decisions in my life. Joining Soccer’s Best is by far the best decision that I could have made. I joined Soccer’s Best because I had a love for this game and wanted to be a better player. Being in an environment with Alex, who has nothing but passion for the game, and many like-minded athletes pushes you above and beyond whatever limits you thought you had. With the guidance of Alex I went to play on a scholarship and was a four year starter for my team. Being physically fit is important (and trust me, Soccer’s Best will get you there - thank you hill training, sand training, bunny drill and parachutes), but what I believe is even more important is the mental toughness Alex fosters in his players. He knows the game, he knows players and he knows the dedication, grit, drive, and perseverance that it takes to get to the next level. Above all that, you become a smarter player. A sharper player. A more skilled player. Being a women’s soccer player and training with guys has upped my game, and is an invaluable asset of Soccer’s Best. I owe so much of who I am, and the person I am today to Soccer’s Best - best decision I could have made!